International Port City News
April 22, 2021
AIVP and MedCruise sign MoU for sustainable port cities and cruises !
Quality food for all
From farm to plate fast: ports as food industry hubs
With the blocking of the Suez Canal having demonstrated the fragility of the supply chain, ports remain vital to the most essential supply of all: food. DP World has announced plans to make the ports of Jebel Ali and Dubai (UAE) gateways for food supplies entering the Middle East. The stated aim is to reach the top of the global food security index within 30 years. Continuous investment is needed in the food industry to guarantee fresh products. In Vancouver (Canada), over 1 billion dollars have been invested in cereal terminals in the space of ten years. There is also a need to cooperate with local stakeholders to optimise the supply chain. In Seville (Spain), the port has signed an agreement with olive oil producers based on the banks of the Guadalquivir.
Human capital
The Port and City of Barcelona (Spain) join forces for the blue economy
The City and Port have penned a cooperation agreement aiming to become the European and global leader in the blue economy, by developing an ecosystem that brings together start-ups, tech businesses, academic and research bodies, alongside maritime and port stakeholders. The first project will see an innovation hub created at Port Olímpic.
Climate change
New York (USA) targets greater resilience
The Mayor of New York has officially announced the start of work on the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) project. Costing some 1.45 billion dollars, the plan includes a variety of solutions to address rising sea levels and extreme climate phenomena like Hurricane Sandy, such as new sea defences, measures to raise the level of existing waterfront parks, mobile locks, etc. A similar programme is also in the pipeline for Lower Manhattan. Last March, Stantec presented to the public a project for Battery Park that will be developed as part of the programme.
Monitoring and protecting port city biodiversity in Dublin (Ireland), Antwerp (Belgium) and The Hague (The Netherlands)
The port authority and university of Antwerp (Belgium) are working together to map presence of invertebrates in the water of the docks. The project will allow biologists to evaluate the best measures to stimulate underwater fauna such as shrimp, snails, worms. In a similar way, in Dublin (Ireland), the Port Company has established a programme to monitor the movement of river lamprey in the Liffey Channel, that will improve the protection and scientific knowledge of this species. AIVP member Ecocean, is an expert in biodiversity protection, as they have demonstrated in different projects. Their latest intervention in Scheveningen, The Hague (The Netherlands), is titled “Levende Haven (“Living Port” in Dutch)”, and includes 10 Biohuts, a type of fish nurseries by the company, providing natural food resource and shelter to juvenile fish. The project will also raise awareness among schoolchildren on marine ecology. Ecocean’s Biohut recently received the Solar Impulse label for their innovation and efficiency.
Human capital
Supporting the port city community in San Antonio and Valparaiso (Chile)
Port workers and the local inhabitants form a close community in many port cities, that needs to be protected and cherished. For example, in San Antonio (Chile), the port authority recently signed an agreement with the union of workers of the market “Esfuerzo y Trabajo” that will allow this group of 66 seafood vendors to maintain their shops on the land owned by the port authority and which they have used for decades. Another example of protecting and valuing the port city community can be found Valparaiso (Chile). There, the port authority efforts to support the port workers during the Covid-19 pandemic have been recognized with the Fundación Carlos Vial Espantoso Award. Among the different actions carried out by the port authority are internal surveys, recreational activities, team meetings, or weekly contests to involve the family and celebrations for important dates.
AIVP receives the “EXPECT” label from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Last week, AIVP was officially awarded the “EXPECT” label by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Port City interface
The former coal powerplant in Beloit (USA) now houses sports and leisure facilities for students, a conference center, and more.
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“GreenQuays”: a project designed to restore nature to the city of Breda (Netherlands) and its canals
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Sustainable mobility
Plans for two autonomous electric ferries to carry passengers in the port city of Kiel (Germany)
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One of the key consequences of the Suez Canal blockage was… Digitisation of traffic arriving at the Port of Rotterdam (Netherlands)
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Energy transition and circular economy
The World Bank adopts a position on alternative fuels for maritime shipping
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Energy transition and circular economy
Mobile, on-demand shore power terminals on the Thames (UK)
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Energy transition and circular economy
Western Australia: 200,000 homes will soon be powered by electricity generated by offshore wind
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Improving the port-city relationship in San Pedro (Ivory Coast). Port Authority visits local traditional chiefs to explain the port expansion project and make donation
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Energy transition and circular economy
Circular Economy in Algeciras (Spain). The port authority will build a temporary waste storage point, as part of the institution’s Green Strategy.
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Health and life quality
Restarting cruises in Madeira (Portugal) and Barcelona (Spain). Port Authorities are working with local authorities to develop health protocols and “green corridors”
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