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International Port City News

August 26, 2021

Weekly Features

Sustainability: a guiding principle for Italy’s port cities
Climate change
Sustainability: a guiding principle for Italy’s port cities

Applying the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals or signing up to the European “Green Deal”: these are the policies being followed by Italy’s ports today, although they go well beyond their traditional roles. A report on the sustainability of the Port of Genoa will be published in 2022, after consultations with all stakeholders: operators, local institutions, workers, etc. The plan adopted by the “Port Authority of the Western Ligurian” is clear: economic development will go hand in hand with livability for residents and environmental protection. Another way of promoting decarbonation is to join forces with the private sector, which is adopting more responsible practices and offering services to implement sustainable development goals in practice. The port of La Spezia has signed an agreement with the Enel group, a global player in the electricity market, and SNAM, which specialises in natural gas, to create an innovation hub. Their shared aim is to find solutions for the future for the energy transition of ports.

Lien   AutoritĂ  di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale
Lien   Ports of Genoa
Enjoying the water safely in Dublin (Ireland) and Valencia (Spain)
Health and life quality
Enjoying the water safely in Dublin (Ireland) and Valencia (Spain)

One of the main advantages of port cities is the presence of water and the opportunities it offers for leisure. However, it is important to enjoy it following certain safety rules. In Dublin, the port authority just launched a new campaign to raise awareness on necessary safety precautions to enjoy Dublin Bay. One of the most important rules for all kind of boats is to respect the speed limit. For that reason, La Marina of Valencia has decided to install the first marine radar of the city to make sure that the speed limit of 3 knots is respected. The goal is to guarantee the safety of all users, private sailing and motor boats, to paddle surfers up to superyachts.

Lien   Dublin Port Company
Lien   La Marina de Valencia
New online courses on port cities and water by TU Delft
Culture and identity
New online courses on port cities and water by TU Delft

The research group Port City Futures led by Prof. Carola Hein, AIVP expert, has launched in 2021 several online courses focusing on port city challenges, with the support of AIVP. After a successful 1st edition last spring, a new edition of “(Re)Imagining Port Cities: Space, Society and Culture” will start on September 13th. The course will analyse examples of port cities from a multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural perspective. Students will develop the skills to identify and address the challenges port cities face now and into the future. This course will be followed by another one starting on November 3rd, entitled “Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development”, addressing contemporary challenges from a socio-spatial and cultural perspective, and activate water heritage for decision-making in water management. Among the instructors is also Mr. Maurice Jansen, AIVP expert on Human Capital for port cities.

(Re)Imagining Port Cities: Space, Society and Culture
Course starts on September 13th 2021
WaterWorks: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development
Course starts on November 3rd 2021

San Francisco (USA): an urban district to replace the coal-fired power station
Culture and identity
San Francisco (USA): an urban district to replace the coal-fired power station

Sited in the central part of the waterfront, the old power station – a heavy polluter – closed down in 2011. A masterplan for the whole site was approved in April 2020, after a long process of community consultation. The project will re-establish public access to the waters of this part of the Bay for the first time in 150 years. A mixed programme will be developed on the site, covering nearly 12 hectares: 2600 flats, offices, shops, a 250-room hotel, sites for small-scale industries and artistic expression, 2.8 hectares of public and recreational areas, etc. Certain elements of the old power station will be preserved as industrial constructions of heritage value. Work has been officially launched and the first buildings should be handed over by 2026. The planned completion date is 2035.

Lien   Potrero Power Station – San Franciso Planning
Lien   SF – Yimby (+ images)
Sydney: consultation on plans for the waterfront
Sydney: consultation on plans for the waterfront

The public consultation for Beacon Wharf, one of the city’s iconic quays, is due to begin in September.  The options being looked at include a floating dock that would combine both public and private uses. The future of the fish hall currently located on this quay will also be debated.

Lien   Sooke news mirror


Lorient Port Center: youth, the future of the port
Human capital
Lorient Port Center: youth, the future of the port

In this article, Frank Antich y Amengual presents the Virtual Port Center of Lorient, and explains the importance of cooperation in two projects aiming to raise students’ awareness of port activities.

Read the article

At a Glance

Health and life quality
Humanitarian logistics: the World Food Programme is to select the Port of Kribi (Cameroon) as its new base in central Africa.
Lien   Eco Matin
Energy transition and circular economy
20MW of solar and wind energy capacity installed in the port zone of Fort-Dauphin (Madagascar) to serve businesses and the local community.
Lien   Le Journal des Archipels
Energy transition and circular economy
Espirito Santo (Brazil): the new “Porto Central” will be an energy port specialising in renewable energy sources.
Lien   Greenport
New code of conduct to protect the dolphins in the Tagus River in Lisbon, launched by private companies and the aquarium, with the support of the Port Authority.
Lien   Port of Lisbon
Human capital
Nantes Saint-Nazaire port launches a new gaming app to discover the port. The app “Du cĂ´tĂ© du port” also includes geolocation system, acting both as a compass and guide.
Lien   Port Nantes Saint-Nazaire
Port City interface
The Port of Saint-John (Canada) plans to set up a container village on the waterfront as a new tourist attraction
Lien   Cruise Industry News
Lien   Video
Port City interface
The Port of Valencia and the city of GandĂ­a (Spain) launch a competition for ideas to improve port-city integration
Lien   El Canal maritimo y logistico
Lien   Puerto y Ciudad
Port City interface
In Dunkirk (France), the “Quai de Leith” project will offer space for offices, a hotel and shops from the end of 2022
Lien   CommunautĂ© Urbaine de Dunkerque

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