International Port City News
21 january 2022
Climate change
New York moves to protect Lower Manhattan
New York City has unveiled its master plan for protecting the area between Battery and Brooklyn Bridge from climate change. A one kilometre-long esplanade will be created on two levels: a lower level to take account of the rising sea level, and an upper level for extreme phenomena like 2012’s hurricane Sandy. The project will also see the creation of new public spaces, measures to restore biodiversity, and resilience ferry terminals. Costing between $5 and 7 billion, the master plan’s creators claim the project would avoid damage estimated at around $1 billion per year by the end of 2050.
Port City interface
Cadiz (Spain): 2022, an important year for City-Port integration
Development work on the “Muelle-Ciudad” is set to begin at the start of the year. It will create new public promenade spaces for citizens, and integrate the cruise terminal. The new container terminal will also enter service. A study had been carried out by the City and University to decide the fate of the site formerly used for containers. A consultation was opened with representatives of the local community. It was then decided that it would not be possible to build residential accommodation on this site. Instead, it will house shops, offices, public amenities, leisure and events facilities. Meanwhile, there are also plans to develop recreational sailing at El Puerto.
Historic port-city agreement in Valparaíso (Chile)
The Municipality of Valparaíso and the Port Authority (EPV) signed on the 12th of January a historical agreement that kicks off a collaborative work to find consensus for port expansion and the development of Valparaiso’s waterfront. This agreement was reached as a result of the dialogue initiated in 2021, known as “Valparaíso Dialoga”, to which AIVP contributed. The Mayor highlighted the importance of the agreement, leaving behind an era of many differences and opposition, starting to work together for the development of the T2 Terminal project and the waterfront of Valparaíso. The new working group will have the task of finding a balance between the port expansion and the different vocations of city, promoting the engagement of the different waterfront actors and generating a consensus on the investments required for the mitigation or compensation plans.
Energy transition and circular economy
Green ship recycling in Batam (Indonesia)
The P.T. Marcopolo Shipyard, located in Batam (Indonesia), has ventured into green ship recycling. It is the first Indonesian shipyard to be awarded the ISO 30000:2009 certificate. The addition of the green ship recycling service is the next step to creating a circular economy for the shipyard. The improper disposal of ships can pollute the environment and leak toxic materials, such as asbestos and PBCs. Green ship recycling includes isolating the harmful components, conserving the marine ecosystem, reusing parts of the ships in new ships – saving resources such as steel, aluminum, iron, and plastic. This promising eco-friendly activity will also create jobs within the local community.
Port City interface
The Port of Dakar is set to take inspiration from the Dakar University Student Welfare Centre to develop the green spaces in its fishing port
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Port City interface
Boston (USA): following the construction of luxury apartments on the waterfront, the port is now keen to create affordable housing in the district
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Port City interface
Master plan for Chatham Docks (UK): 3,600 homes, 2,000 jobs, and numerous green spaces for residents
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Energy transition and circular economy
Port of Newcastle (Australia): Fully powered by renewable energy in 2022, the port projects a 5,000 cubic ton per year reduction in carbon emissions.
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Energy transition and circular economy
Three sea areas are reserved for offshore wind in the Gulf of Riga (Estonia), under a transnational partnership between Latvia and Estonia
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Energy transition and circular economy
The United Arab Emirates introduce legislation for eco-friendly ship recycling, including a ban on beaching
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