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Port City Insights: This weekly strategic monitoring service on City Port news is reserved for you as a member of the AIVP

Edition of 19 january 2023

Weekly Features

The Port of Barcelona approves a new Equality Plan
Human capital
The Port of Barcelona approves a new Equality Plan

The Port of Barcelona (Spain) has approved the Equality Plan 2022-2026, which establishes 23 specific actions to be implemented. This fifth plan aims to continue the work done regarding establishing gender parity across the organization. The plan touches on a variety of subjects, including the reduction of the wage gap, increasing the amount of women in positions of power, and the rights of women in a situation of gender violence. The Equality Plan is based on an equality diagnosis and an internal salary audit that were carried out in 2022. The results helped identify the port’s strengths and measures that were needed most urgently.

Lien   Port de Barcelona
Saint-Louis (Senegal) focuses on flood management
Climate change
Saint-Louis (Senegal) focuses on flood management

Saint-Louis is confronted to regular floods during the rainy season, leading to schools and homes being submerged. To launch the second phase of its Rainwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project (Progep II), the coastal city is looking for a consulting firm to develop its “climate change resilient urban plans”. The first phase of the project was launched in 2012 in Dakar and has led to the construction of numerous canals and retention basins and 4 pumping stations. The second phase will aim to replicate these results and focus on reducing the risks of flooding and improve climate resilience.

Lien   Afrik21
The port of Corpus Christi (USA) uses a mobile container to get kids interested in science
Human capital
The port of Corpus Christi (USA) uses a mobile container to get kids interested in science

A laboratory for chemical experiments, port simulation and fun logistics-themed activities has been miniaturised and is taken from school to school in a container. The innovative solution created by the port authority of Corpus Christi (USA) is aimed at educational institutions in the local region, where it encourages the students to take a closer interest in science and technology related to the port’s activities. Dubbed the “PORT-able learning lab”, it was devised in partnership with the specialist company Learning Undefeated. The mobile lab can accommodate up to ten students at a time, for a module lasting 30 minutes.

Lien   Port Corpus Christi
Lien   Learning Undefeated
The port of Oslo (Norway) creates a 3D digital twin of the fjord and port zone
The port of Oslo (Norway) creates a 3D digital twin of the fjord and port zone

The port used airborne LiDAR to create a 3D digital map of its environment. The aim is to provide a realistic and usable visual rendering for the digitisation of port operations and real-time monitoring of flows, execution of instructions, and environmental impacts. It takes an estimated 117 emails on average to manage a port call by one single vessel. Digitisation – and its corollary, automation – will reduce this mental workload and allow human efforts to be concentrated on activities with greater added value.

Lien   Oslo Havn


The World Ocean Summit – The Economist Impact
The World Ocean Summit – The Economist Impact

The World Ocean Summit is an annual global event bringing together the widest cross-section of the ocean community from business and finance to governments, national and international policy-makers, civil society and academia. The AIVP is a media partner of this event.

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The AIVP supports the Port of Valparaiso (Chile) in the creation of its Port Center
The AIVP supports the Port of Valparaiso (Chile) in the creation of its Port Center

As part of the collaboration between the Port of Valparaíso (EPV) and AIVP, José Manuel Pages Sánchez, director of the Agenda 2030 AIVP area, traveled to Chile to assist in the launch of the process of creating the Port Center of Valparaíso. EPV and AIVP will work together for 5 months to define the Port Center model that this port city requires, including issues such as the governance structure, the exhibition, or the business model.

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At a Glance

Port of Brussels (Belgium) collaborated with Ecocean and Canal it Up to install floating islands with water plants in its canal
Lien   Canal It Up
Energy transition and circular economy
The US government released a maritime decarbonization strategy, prioritizing research on alternative fuels, new technologies and infrastructure investments
Lien   The Maritime Executive
Lien   Splash 247
Energy transition and circular economy
The port zone of Hamburg (Germany) builds a hydrogen filling station for heavy machinery and trucks
Lien   Nieuwsblad Transport
Lien   Tank Storage
Energy transition and circular economy
A new bulk liquid terminal ready to receive alternative fuels in Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
Lien   Port News

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Le Havre 76600
