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Port City Insights: This weekly strategic monitoring service on City Port news is reserved for you as a member of the AIVP

Edition of 30 november 2023

Port City Insights: This weekly strategic monitoring service on City Port news is reserved for you as a member of the AIVP
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Weekly Features

The port of Lisbon unveils a new blue economy innovation programme
Energy transition and circular economy
The port of Lisbon unveils a new blue economy innovation programme

The port of Lisbon (Portugal) launched its new Tagus Innov programme last week to support innovation in the blue economy. The aim is to “create an ecosystem capable of promoting and spreading useful technologies in the fields of digitisation, decarbonisation, intermodality, and circularity in the maritime economy.” The launch took place on Innovation Day, a day of meetings and debate for sharing international experiences of innovation in the port and maritime sectors. AIVP was represented at the event by J. M. P. Sanchez, director of the Agenda 2030 by AIVP.

Terminal A in the Port of Tallin: New design for support facilities
Port City interface
Terminal A in the Port of Tallin: New design for support facilities

Molumba OÜ and Mareld landscape architects have won the architectural design competition for the terminal A quarter at Port of Tallinn (Estonia). Their winning design balances an attractive building composition, functionality, and urban landscape. The competition, held in two stages, shortlisted 10 participants based on their previous work, with the jury ultimately evaluating 9 conceptual designs submitted. The winning design stood out for its balanced architectural aesthetics, particularly in the passenger walkways and the integration of existing and new office buildings. The objective of the architectural design competition was to find the best architectural concept regarding the building complex of the new terminal A of Tallinn’s Old City Harbour, the new office building and multistorey car park of AS Tallinna Sadam (Port of Tallinn) and the adjacent public urban space.

Lien   Port of Tallin
Port of Barranquilla to generate its own energy
Energy transition and circular economy
Port of Barranquilla to generate its own energy

The Port of Barranquilla (Colombia) and GreenYellow Colombia have signed an agreement to install five solar roofs throughout about 12 hectares of the port area. This installation will generate 31% of the energy required by the port’s operations. Specifically, the solar roofs will be installed on several warehouses, including the refrigerated warehouse. This project underlines the importance the port places on promoting innovative initiatives and transitioning the port sector to clean energy sources. Energy self-generation projects in the port of Barranquilla is a response to the urgent need to reduce its carbon footprint and increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the port.

Lien   Portal Portuario
The EU wants to extend the rules to cut marine pollution
Sustainable mobility
The EU wants to extend the rules to cut marine pollution

On Thursday 16 November, MEPs on EU’s transport and tourism committee voted to extend the existing rules in a clampdown on discharges of pollutants by ships in European waters. The rules will be based on international standards. MEPs want shipowners to be held liable for the environmental damage caused by their vessels if the captain or crew are unable to pay fines. The plenary is due to vote next week on proposals to open talks between Member States on the final shape of the legislation.

Lien   Splash 247
Manhattan makes its waterfront more resilient to climate change
Climate change
Manhattan makes its waterfront more resilient to climate change

New York (United States) is preparing for the impacts of climate change, by creating a public waterfront on the banks of the Hudson river. In addition to a playing field and promenades, the park also includes a salt marsh, oyster habitat, and soft edges to allow for tidal pools. This intertidal ecosystems along the urban shoreline was installed by AIVP member Econcrete. There is also a beach open to the public, but only kayak launches are permitted, and people are not allowed to swim in the water. 

Lien   Dezeen
Lien   ECOncrete


10th Meeting of the AIVP – MedCruise Working Group on Cruises and Port Cities
10th Meeting of the AIVP – MedCruise Working Group on Cruises and Port Cities

On Wednesday, 22 November 2023, AIVP and MedCruise held the 10th meeting of the joint Working Group (“WG”) on Cruises and Port Cities. The online rendez-vous was co-hosted by Mr. JosĂ© Sánchez, representing AIVP and Mrs. Noemi Frascella, Director of the MedCruise Board of Directors. After the opening greetings from Mr. Nicky Guerrero and Ms. Anja Lohrum – respectively Medcruise Secretary General and Senior Secretariat Advisor.

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At a Glance

Energy transition and circular economy
New industrial unit for the production of low-carbon hydrogen will be created in the port area of HAROPA PORT (France)
Lien   Haropa Port
Quality food for all
São Tomé and Príncipe’s national strategy to turn pelagic fisheries blue will include capacity-building in handling techniques, safety at sea, and boat building
Lien   Afrik21
Culture and identity
The municipality and Port of San Antonio (Chile) jointly organized and sponsored the School Environmental Olympics to raise environmental awareness
Lien   Puerto San Antonio
Culture and identity
The new harbor master’s office at the port of Calais (France) will be in a tower built from white concrete blocks in the shape of a stack of pebbles
Lien   Dezeen
Copenhagen (Denmark): An industrial port site is turned into a park to conserve biodiversity and improve water quality
Lien   Dezeen

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Le Havre 76600
