:Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) is a national private company, which results from the partnership between the Mozambican Railway Company (Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique) and Portus Indico (Grindrod, DP World and Mozambique Gestores). On the 15th of April 2003 MPDC was given the concession of Maputo’s Port for a period of 15 years, with an extension option of another 15. In June 2010, the concession period was extended for another 15 years, with an option of an additional ten years of operations after 2033. MPDC holds the rights to finance, rehabilitate, construct, operate, manage, maintain, develop and optimize the entire concession area. The company also holds the powers of a Port Authority. MPDC has started implementing the Masterplan approved by the Government in 2010. With the current berth rehabilitation, warehouse and slabs expansion works and the dredging of the channel to -14 meters the Port expects to handle 30 million tons by 2033.
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