
:Located along the canal linking Brussels and Antwerp, and thanks to an exceptional accessibility for waterway, rail and road transport, the port is a major economic hub for Brussels. 200 companies are located on the port domain and contracted to the Port of Brussels Company. In 2018, 7.3 million tonnes of goods were moved to and from Brussels by means of ship transport, the most eco-friendly mode of transportation. The port activity also generates 12,000 direct and indirect jobs. The port’s primary role lies in supplying the city with everything from building materials, petrol, food and textiles, etc. The companies located in the port operate therefore a great part of the logistics vital to the daily functioning of the urban economy. The Port also offers a large storage centre doubling as a distribution hub, particularly in line with the needs of the retailers in Brussels. The container terminal located in the maritime part of the port handled 36,965 TEU (twenty foot equivalent) in 2018 and is connected several days a week to the port of Antwerp. The Port is also developing ship transport of palletised goods, which has known a major development in 2018 with 12,415 pallets transported to and from the port of Brussels.



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