
:The main task of SAPT (Tanger Ville Port Development Society), established in March 2010, is to manage and run the Redevelopment Project. The main shareholders of this limited company are the State and the Hassan II Funds. The City of Tangiers, the National Ports Agency (ANP) and the Agency for the Promotion and Economic and Social Development of the Northern Provinces of Morocco also hold a stake in the company. In order to expand port activities (including recreational sailing, ferry transport and cruise business) and operate the associated facilities, SAPT and ANP have set up a joint venture known as “Tanger Ville Port Management Company” (SGPTV). This limited company is 51% owned by ANP and 49% owned by SAPT. Its corporate purpose is, on the one hand, to develop the infrastructures needed for cruise, recreational sailing and ferry activities in Tanger Ville Port, and, on the other hand, to manage and operate these infrastructures as well as to police port space, under a fifty-year concession agreement with ANP. Mr Mohamed Ouanaya is CEO of SAPT and SGPTV.