:TCO, a basin for living and employment: TCO (Territoire de la Côte Ouest - Reunion Island) is a territory suffering from strong constraints. It has to be organised to confront a very marked growth of population, mainly agglomerated in the coastal zones, with the zones halfway up the slopes expanding fast. The economic situation is contrasted. The population suffers strong social inequalities but the territory remains endowed with major advantages: the only port zone of the island, a high proportion of enterprises (30% of the industrial enterprises, 31% of the transport enterprises, 28% of the service industry enterprises), the rainfall profiting agricultural development, seaside zones to support tourist development, the surrounds of Cambaie with a strong development potential... The development and the redistribution of economic activities over the whole territory encourage the rapprochement between habitat and workplace. The structuring of an urban framework, the development and densification of localities halfway up or on the heights, by encouraging the installation of activity zones, could contribute to this. TCO, a territory of projects: The heart of the territory has been awarded the Ecocité label by the French and it is running one of the largest urban projects of France with over 15 000 accommodation units planned. In 2013, the architecture and urban planning firm Ateliers Yves Lion was awarded the international urban planning contest to design Ecocité. The project’s financial potential relies heavily on the Grand Port Maritime de la Réunion and particularly on the immediate inner harbour. Finally the UNESCO listed National Park and Marine Reserve is the main advantage towards tourism of TCO.
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