The City of Dakar is a local authority with legal status and financial autonomy. It is divided into nineteen (19) wards each controlled by a Mayor. The Municipal Council comprised of 100 councillors elected for 5 years, is the deliberating body. By its deliberations it regulates the affairs of the City. It decides on all questions falling under its attributes as well as the administrative budgets and accounts which are presented annually by the Mayor. The Municipal Council has created twenty (20) commissions charged with the study of questions falling under its attributes. The Municipal Council elects the Mayor from its members for a mandate of 5 years. The Mayor is charged with the execution of the decisions of the Municipal Council. The Mayor is assisted by 19 deputies elected under the same conditions and to whom he may delegate part of his functions. The Mayor and his deputies form the Municipal Committee which gives its opinion every time that it is required by the laws and regulations or on demand of the Préfet. Like all local authorities, the City of Dakar has the missions; on the one hand "the conception, programming and implementation of actions for economic, educational, social and cultural development of communal interest" and on the other hand "to assure for the whole population, without any discrimination, the best living conditions". Other than its general competences, the City of Dakar has transferred competences, in particular in the field of planning and development of the territory, urbanism and habitat.
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