
The Autonomous Port of Papeete was created on 13 January 1962. In 1997, statutory reform turned the port into an Industrial and Commercial Public Establishment (EPIC), making its management autonomous. The statutes of the Autonomous Port of Papeete define the missions entrusted to the establishment and the rules for its operation. Decree n°1138/CM of 21 November 1985 stipulates in particular that the Minister responsible for ports is ex officio President of the Board of Directors, and further defines the powers of the Board, which deliberates specifically on all investment operations and land purchases. It sets budget, financial and accounting rules applicable to the organisation. The decree also defines the powers of its Director, who authorises income and expenditure, enforces the final decisions of the Board of Directors and oversees the general running of the organisations and supervision of its staff. Missions Serving clients, investing, managing the port domain and protecting its installations: these are the missions of Port autonome de Papeete, a vital player in the economic development of French Polynesia.. The port establishment undertakes various actions and investments to fulfil these missions in so far as possible. The resources of the Autonomous Port of Papeete The main sources of income are duties and taxes charged on ships, merchandise and miscellaneous services, and income arising from the use of the land within the port area. - Duties and taxes charged on ships: include harbour dues and wharfage, and tug and mooring fees; - Duties and taxes charged on merchandise: consist of entry duties, wharf duties, and handling and storage charges; - Duties and taxes charged on miscellaneous services: refer to other services such as ship towing, supply of utilities (water, electricity, telephone, Internet), tug and launch hire, watchmen and rubbish collection. - Income arising from the use of the land and buildings within the port and maritime areas: refers to leases on warehouses, buildings, offices and other premises, plots and yards.

