On Tuesday 14th of May, at the AIVP Board of Directors meeting, the City and Port of Quebec (Canada) ratified the Agenda 2030 by AIVP in the presence of Edouard Philippe, President of the AIVP.

At the signing ceremony, Bruno Marchand, Mayor of Quebec City, emphasised that learning together is essential and that the international port-city community supported by the AIVP is a strength in this respect. He pointed out that without a port, Quebec City would not be in the same position on the international stage. For Bruno Marchand, port life and the urban vision are intimately linked and complementary. The signing of the Agenda 2030 by AIVP is a further step in this relationship and demonstrates the ambition to work together to meet the challenges of water quality, soft mobility, cruises to avoid over-tourism and maximise their impact, and air quality by sharing data in a transparent and educational way.

For the Port’s CEO, Mario Girard, living in Quebec City means living in a mosaic of intertwined port-city spaces. He emphasises how the AIVP has helped the Port to place the citizens at the heart of its actions to build an inclusive port city. Mario Girard reminds us that any strategic reflection today begins by examining the role of the citizen. This is the declared ambition in Quebec City, and the City-Port collaboration must be equal to this challenge, leading the community to innovate in order to push back the frontiers of what is possible and to make the port a driving force for progress.

In Quebec, by using the Agenda 2030 by AIVP as a focal point, the Port and the City have decided to work together. The teams are working in a spirit of trust and transparency towards the sustainable development of a historic port city and a city in the making! A fine example to follow.