AIVP is proud to announce that “MAGPIE” project (sMArt Green Ports as Integrated Efficient multimodal hubs) has been selected by the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
AIVP played an active part in the project’s development, coordinated by the Port of Rotterdam, with a consortium of 45 members.
AIVP’s role as part of this ambitious group is to manage communications, dissemination and community engagement. With AIVP, “city-port” considerations are treated as an essential component of ports’ commitment to sustainable development and the climate, both when assessing the project’s impacts and replicating the results obtained.
Thanks to 25 million euros in EU funding over four years, the members of the MAGPIE consortium are set to embark on 12 pilot projects in three key areas:
-Alternative energies
-Smart technologies applied to port operations
-River and rail connections with the hinterland.
The ports of Haropa (France), Sines (Portugal) and Deltaport (Germany) are supporting the project, and have committed to replicating the innovations in their own port communities. AIVP will work to promote the project and its results through its experience and knowledge sharing activities.
Disclaimer: this communication should in no way be construed as a formal undertaking by the CINEA to provide financial support. The funding referred to is dependent on the signing of a funding agreement and the satisfactory completion of the next phases in the selection process.