AIVP-MedCruise new joint Working Group focused on sustainable port-city relationships and cruises was officially launched on Wednesday 27th October 2021. The kick-off meeting held online with the members of both organisations emphasise the importance of the WG and the main goal to reflect and share of good practices that can facilitate a better and sustainable coexistence between port cities and cruises. During the kick-off meeting, were identified the main topics linked with the port-city sustainability, which are cruises acceptability-social integration, communication and engagement with stakeholders, environmental challenges, restart of cruises and post-COVID recovery and increase of the positive economic impact of cruise calls to be among them. The 25 members of the group include ports and cities from Europe, Africa, North and South America. We will host a session focusing on cruises and tourism in the next AIVP Port & City Days in Brussels, on November 25th and 26th.