AIVP is organising a series of webinars entitled “Port City Talks” to continue to debate, to build the port city of tomorrow and to keep in touch with our members.
The next AIVP webinar will be held in Spanish on Thursday 24 September 2020 at 15:00: 00 (CEST / GMT +2) and will be moderated by Beatriz Tovar de la Fé, Catedrática de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España) (Spain); Pedro Marín Cots Jefe OMAU, Ciudad de Málaga (España) ; Pino Musolino, Special Commissioner and Acting President, North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Italia); and Marcelo Peyregne Gerente General, Puerto de Buenos Aires (Argentina) will also speak.
These webinars are exclusively for our members, but if you wish to attend, you can ask us for access.
About this webinar
The cruise season for 2020 has been lost. Although some companies adventured to restart their activities with some limitations, the industry remains on a break. The economic consequences are dramatic. According to the lobby organization CLIA, for each day of the suspension of cruise activities in USA, there is a loss of $110 million and 800 direct and indirect jobs. At the same time, other international organizations, such as the UN, have released guides of recommendations for a sustainable and safe reactivation of the tourism sector.
However, what kind of tourism? what kind of cruises? A new impulse to cooperate could also be the foundations on which to build a new cruise-city-citizens relationship.
A new type of tourism, more balanced with the goals of local citizens and the environment. In this webinar we will learn what are the conclusions that ports and cities are drawing from this forced stop and how do they envision the future of the industry for next years.
Join us online!
Additional resources on the subject of cruises:
- Read: “Will cruises restart like before? 3 perspectives from AIVP’s network”, Opinion article coordinated by Francesca Morucci, Head of Public Relations Office, Port Authority of the North Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy)
- Read the article we published in June 2020: Cruises and port cities, ready to return?
- Read the opinion article “The health, climate and tourism crisis” written by Dr. Pedro Marín Cots
- See the proceedings of the AIVP days on “Mega-ship: impact on port cities” organized in 2016 in Malaga (Spain)
- Watch the documentary video of the series AIVP DOC(k) “Cruise, between dream and reality”