The Port of San Diego published in 2019 the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Coastal Resiliency Report. Besides assessing the impact of sea level rise on the coastal region, it also presents the adaptation planning and strategy implementation. Among the different measures, the port of San Diego decided to install 72 Econcrete tide pools to provide ecological protection and stabilize the shoreline, while contributing to the regeneration of the local ecosystem. The innovative material is made with a low carbon concrete mixture, combined with bio-enhancing additives, contributing to reduce the ecological footprint of the port, while granting the protection of the shoreline against extreme weather. At the same time, these pools would be visible for visitors who will be able to check the sea life that will inhabit the new structure. The project is a three-year pilot and is the eight initiative of the port’s Blue Economy Incubator, supporting innovative business that benefit the whole port city community.